Our Technology
MeCam is the hands-free body worn video camera that pins to your shirt, can be worn as a necklace, or pinned on to anything to capture video from that point of view. Unique features include its small size, light weight, and ability to shoot in low-light/dark conditions through Infrared (IR) LED lights built into the device, all while retailing at an affordable price point. MeCam shoots in 720p high quality video and captures audio within a 20 foot diameter.
I originally designed MeCam as a product to capture my life in NYC: from crazy nights, to riding my bike around the city, to the fun events I attend. I wanted to be able to record those unexpected moments with my friends and be able to relive them at a later time. Video captures so much more than a static picture.
I took previous knowledge I had about existing small spy camera technology and have applied it to a mainstream, trendy product that everyone can use and operate (without the negative connotation spy cameras have). Shoot your life from 1st person point of view.
Since designing MeCam I have found that its uses are limitless. Pin it to yourself, turn it on, and forget about it. See what great memories you recorded, edit them down and create personal movies of your life experiences to be cherished forever.
Life moves fast, let MeCam capture every moment!
Who Are We?
Life now looks a lot different than it did 4 years ago. It pushed me to think outside the box, innovate, and take a chance on myself. I have since started several of my own businesses from which I learned that failing is just part of journey to eventual success (hopefully). Life is full of ups and downs, and I have embraced it. You’ll get to where you are going, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey.
I relish the challenge of thinking up a unique product or business. The process of making an idea something tangible is my passion.
Please don’t hesitate to ever contact me with questions, concerns, advice, or just to say hi.
Twitter: @DrewAMartin
What We Want to Do
I have personally bootstrapped MeCam to this point including all mold, design and engineering costs (design patent pending). MeCam is ready to go but I need your help. If you back our project, you will be pre-ordering your own MeCam and will help production get started
MeCam needs to reach the funding goal in order to place a bulk order for the device components. Placing a bulk order will allow MeCam to acquire components at a reduced price and offer the product at a very affordable price point, so we get MeCams onto everyone who wants one.
Learn More
MeCams are ready to be produced as soon as we reach our goal, with delivery coming less than a month after Kickstarter campaign ends. http://www.MeCam.me
Please “Like” us @ http://www.facebook.com/MeCamme
Follow us @ http://www.twitter.com/WearMeCam
Software Developers If you think you can come up with a superior software for MeCam then feel free. MeCams are easily upgradable by loading the new software onto the micro-SD card. As MeCam technology grows, users will receive software updates. Please contact me (Drew@MeCam.me) with any questions, thoughts, and advice. I am open to anything and everything. I will never stop striving to produce a better product and with your help I can. Always searching for better batteries, more powerful yet efficient cameras, better materials etc. My goal is to bring you best product at the most affordable price.
Drew Martin
CEO and Founder
Anthony Gallo
Web Designer
Ifrus Stoops
Web Developer