Project Guidelines & Requirements

There are several crowdfunding sites out on the web covering a range of projects. We are only interested in science and technology projects for consideration on our site. So if you have invented or have an idea for a great invention and need money to get started on a specific project, then this is the place for you. Here are some criteria to consider when sending your proposal. This is the sort of stuff we look for in selecting projects to be posted on TechMoola.

  1. Your invention is in a mature state such as a prototype or early manufacturing stage (conceptual inventions will be considered but requirements are more stringent)
  2. You already have your invention worked out and need capital for a defined project to go form one defined stage to the next stage leading to bringing your invention to the market
  3. You are not looking for general company seed money but funds for a specific project for developing or producing a specific invention
  4. You are able to produce a slideshow or preferably a 2-3 min video highlighting your invention, your project plans and your ability to use the needed funds for fulfilling your objectives
  5. You are able to fulfill your pledge rewards. For instance, if you offer a free t-shirt or prototype device with a specific pledge amount, you will have to be able to fulfill that promise in return for the pledge

The more of these criteria you meet, the better your chances are that your project will be selected for posting on TechMoola. We are obviously looking for the best projects to get public attentions and support, so naturally the standards are high and competition fierce. So prepare early and have everything well organized and professional because after all, this is the business world and only the best will have a chance at survival.
