Our Technology
Are you tired of waiting around when you schedule a service like carpet cleaning, getting the kids teeth cleaned, or pest control?
Well we have a solution that meets the needs of both consumers and providers. It is called FittleBug and it empowers you to have a more timely relationship with service providers, so you wait less to get things done and free up more personal time for what you like.
How? By letting you see online when a service provider is available down to the minute and letting you book it right then and there, as if you were buying an airplane or train ticket.
That’s what we are all about: Precision. So your life is more organized, simple and efficient. It’s a Book It and Be Done tool.
Who Are We?
We are BusinessBridge and our passion is to empower people to have better, simpler and more resolute lives. We believe that just because something seems to be the norm, doesn’t make it good or the best. We are firm believers that the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is trying to swallow the ocean from the shore. Too much, too quick. We are focused on penetrating one vertical market initially (carpet cleaning), but realize there are so many more markets that can benefit from FittleBug. With your help, we can fly the FittleBug to another level, and start saving consumers precious time, money and frustration.
What We Want to Do
We need to grow the business and help get the message out to new service providers and users so that all sorts of routine and important services that we depend on every day can be done efficiently and fast!! With your contributions, we can do just that.
Learn More
Company site http://www.businessbridge.com
Client Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5sZrlhAE54
Client Commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2xvHHCDaKM
Steve Mastio
Passion Driver
Michael Parker
David O’Leary
Project Lead